Falling Fables (column)
Acrylic paint, rubber stamps, FRP
31.5 x 80.5 x 31.5 in. I 80 x 204 x 80 cm.
The sculpture of the fallen pillar is part of a series of works titled ‘FALLING FABLES’ referenced from architectural ruins and fragments, that are disintegrating and in a state of collapse. Their surface consists of numerous rubberstamps bearing addresses of missing monuments listed as protected sites under the Archeological Survey of India, dispersed amidst others that carry fragments of poems/ phrases on architecture and loss. I’ve been interested in official records of loss and disappearance – in earlier works such as ‘Synonyms’ where the names of missing persons have collectively formed a single portrait.
The paintings here are referenced from photographs I made in various parts of the city of Delhi, where ruins from the past rub shoulders with present-day structures, revealing the many contradictions and shifting nature of urban landscape.